iPhone 6s battery test. How to tell if your iPhone or iPad needs a battery replacement. iPhone battery not charging correctly

Depending on how intensively you use your device, replacement may be required after 2-3 years. iPhone battery/iPad.

Signs that require replacement include problems with charge retention and external changes battery Of course, an iOS device can quickly discharge for other reasons - due to the activity of various services or, for example, screen settings - but if at 20-40% of the charge the smartphone or tablet simply turns off, this is not normal.

Visual Signs You Need to Replace Your iPhone Battery

It is difficult to visually assess the condition of the battery, since the iPhone has a non-separable body. However, when the battery reaches its last days, gas accumulation in the battery can be diagnosed by changing the shape of the case mobile device or a slightly convex screen, which may cause streaks when pressed.

Of course, problems with the screen can arise for other reasons, but nevertheless, delay going to the service center It’s not worth it, because a swollen battery can portend expensive repairs, not to mention a threat to the health of the device owner.

Despite its inaccuracy, it is worth taking into account the described signs, but information about its recharge cycles and current capacity will tell much more about the condition of the battery.

How to find out the number of iPhone charge cycles

The battery has a limited number of recharge cycles, after which it is considered a used resource and requires replacement. You can continue to use such an iPhone/iPad battery, but the operating time of the device will be reduced.

Unfortunately, you cannot get information about iPhone charge cycles in the settings, but you can use the iBackupBot program for Windows and Mac.

Download and install iBackupBot on your computer, connect your mobile device to your PC using a cable and in the window with basic information about the device, click on “More Information”.

Explanation of basic meanings:

  • CycleCount - number of charge cycles;
  • DesignCapacity - the nominal battery capacity declared by the manufacturer;
  • FullChargeCapacity - battery capacity;
  • Status - battery status;
  • BatteryCurrentCapacity - current battery charge level.
On average, after 500 recharge cycles, the iPhone battery begins to lose about 20% of its total capacity. The iPad battery is capable of more - it can withstand about 1000 cycles. Thus, to understand whether the iPhone or iPad battery needs to be replaced, you need to pay attention to the CycleCount and FullChargeCapacity lines.

Well, if the result does not satisfy you and you decide to change the battery, try it before going to the service center

How to Determine iPhone and iPad Battery Wear Level

Replacing the battery of an iPhone and iPad is not as simple as in the case of Android devices, so when buying a used smartphone or tablet, it is a good idea to not only visually evaluate the device, but also check the condition of the battery. You can do this using apps like Battery Life.

Battery Life is a free iOS application that determines the degree of battery wear. In addition to assessing battery health, Battery Life also provides information about the charge level and current battery capacity (compared to the capacity of a new battery).

Download Battery Life for iPhone, iPad (Free)

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On this moment, modern smartphone First of all, they are judged by two criteria: the camera and how long the battery lasts. The first point is improving from year to year, but batteries are problematic, especially on the iPhone.

After all, literally after a couple of years of use, the operating time of the device is reduced quite significantly and you already need to think that something needs to be done about this. This is especially felt by people who live in countries with cold winters.

Therefore, let's figure out when exactly it is worth changing and how to check the condition of your iPhone battery. With some updates in operating system, it has become much easier than it was before.

How to find out the status of your iPhone battery?

If you came to this material, then your iPhone probably doesn’t hold a charge for long and you charge it at least twice a day. Or, it often turns off in the cold at the most inconvenient moment, even when the charge level is about 40%.

To understand how bad everything is and whether you should worry about replacement, you just need to carry out one of the actions that I will now list.

Checking using built-in iOS functions

On March 29, 2018, the long-awaited update numbered iOS 11.3 was released. Along with it came a feature that was associated with the scandal over the slowdown of older iPhones.

So if you have already installed iOS 11.3, then do the following:

  1. open Settings and scroll down until we find it Battery;
  2. select an item Battery status;
  3. we see the field Maximum capacity and if you have at least 60%, then you can relax for now, but already think about a replacement in the near future.

Settings - Battery - Battery Status - Maximum Capacity

You probably saw the second field “Peak Performance”. So, when everything is really bad with your battery, the phone will send you a notification that the performance will be reduced.

This will essentially be the signal to replace the battery. Thus, Apple killed all the applications that did the status check function, but they may still be useful. Read on.

We check using third-party programs (if iOS is lower than iOS 11.3)

Not everyone will want to switch from iOS 10 to their old iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 for the sake of this feature. We all know how it works and it is better to stay on an older version of the operating system.

Sooner or later, you may need to check the battery status and in this case, do the following:

  1. install an application like this Battery Life(or something similar);
  2. open it and the status of your battery is written to you.

If everything is great, it will simply say “Great” and the button will be green. Yellow, still not so bad and red - when you need to change it.

It weighs little and is free. If you buy paid version, it will also show the number of charging cycles. But it’s up to you to decide.

Each subsequent iPhone makes the battery problem worse. My first iPhone 5S, after 9 months of intensive use, lasted no more than 4-5 hours.

How can you find out the level of battery wear in an iPhone? There are no built-in tools.

If you open App Store, then we will find many programs there to check iPhone battery wear, but can we trust them?

You probably know that Apple devices, unlike android, they have a closed system and do not allow penetration into the kernel.

If you search online for apps to view wear levels iphone batteries, then you will be offered “Battery Life”.

I entered such a request in the App Store and the service gave me several programs with the same name from different developers. Let's check them out.

The first program to check battery wear on iPhone

The first on the list was an application from the developer “Victor Robin”. After installation, it gave me information that the condition is good, and the wear level of the battery (written at the top) is 76%

Quite strange. 76% and good condition. Let's see what the triple app from developer RBT Dighal has to say.

The second application to check the battery wear level on iPhone

To be honest, after installing the second program I was a little shocked - everything is bad here, and the wear rate is 24%.

I get the impression that the first Battery Life shows how much good capacity is left, and the second how much has already been worn out.

This is, as it were, confirmed by the percentages of 76 and 24 - if you add them up, you get 100. This is also confirmed if you look at the operating time - it is the same in both.

Let's also look at the level of wear on the iPhone battery in the program that I trust - AIDA 64.

The third program for checking battery wear on iPhone

You can also download AIDA 64 for free in the App Store. I already have it installed and this is what it shows.

AIDA 64 showed 23.61% wear (wear lewel line). I trust this application, so I think the result is correct.

Moreover, I see that my battery is discharged about 25 percent faster than it was after purchase.

Time battery life without a doubt, it is important for most users and there are ways to improve it, but I won’t describe how to do it here, since such an entry already exists - you can find it in the IPHONE menu or through a search.

You can more accurately determine the level of wear if your iPhone is jailbroken, but it requires hacking the software.

Only iPhones are expensive and I don’t recommend you do this. There is also the “Battery Percentage - Your Device Doctor” application, where you can check the battery status, processor temperature and see if pixels have disappeared on the screen

Thanks to graphical interface you can find out the condition of the most interesting elements of your phone.

It has a beautiful, minimalist design and is available for free. Thanks to it, you can learn a lot about your device, but at the time of writing there is no Russian language.

NOTE: in iphone wear The battery drops to 80% after 500 recharge cycles, while the iPad can withstand twice as much - 1000. Good luck.

The built-in iOS features or third party programs.

As with any mobile device, battery life is very important for the iPhone and iPad. Every year, user demands are growing, use cases are expanding, and battery capabilities are expanding mobile gadgets remain at the same level due to constantly decreasing thickness and weight.

Complaints about insufficient battery life can be heard from many users, but how can you tell if your device's battery needs replacing or if you're just using it too much? This will be discussed further.

Discharged or not

This will sound trivial, but first you need to understand whether the device itself is discharging or you are discharging it. To do this, simply refrain from active use for a while and monitor the charge level. It is best to fully charge the device and leave it overnight, after taking a screenshot of the charge level at current time. Don't forget to turn off notifications as well to eliminate the possibility of being drained by too many pushes.

Check the charge level in the morning. If it has not changed or dropped by a couple of percent, then everything is fine with the battery and the accelerated discharge is caused by active use. If the charge has dropped by more than 10%, something is still discharging it. In this case, move on to the next point.

Determining the cause of the discharge

We need to determine where the charge goes: is it being “eaten off” background processes and service or discharge is caused by a decrease in battery capacity due to wear. This is quite easy to do through the built-in battery usage statistics function. Starting with iOS 7.0, we have not only meager usage and expectation figures (although there are plenty of them), but even detailed statistics on applications.

The bottom line is that the iPhone and iPad should not be discharged in standby mode, which means the standby time from the statistics menu should be significantly longer than the use time (even though the device is at rest).

If your waiting time is equal to or almost equal to the usage time, then there is background activity of applications or services, which is the cause of the discharge. It's worth checking out the apps on the list and their access to content updates, geolocation, and more. Here are some more useful tips for you.

If everything is in order, and the battery still lasts very little even with gentle use, move on to the next point.

Testing the battery

The problem is almost certainly battery wear, which is inevitable during long-term use. During the charging and discharging process, the battery capacity decreases. In the iPhone it drops to 80% after 500 recharge cycles, the iPad can withstand twice as much - 1000. Find out how much the maximum battery capacity on your device has decreased. If the drop is too large and the current battery life is not satisfactory, it’s time to change the battery.

If your device has been updated to iOS 11.3, then you can find out how much its battery capacity has decreased over the entire period of operation, without additional programs. To do this, open the “Settings” → “Battery” → “Battery Status” section. The device will show the current value of the maximum capacity as a percentage of the original.

If your device has more than old version iOS, you can check your battery status using free application Battery Life Doctor. Launch it and click Details next to Battery Raw Data - in the next menu you will see the Design Capacity option (initial maximum capacity). The current maximum battery capacity as a percentage of the original will be displayed next to it.

Another way to find out the battery status is in the iBackupbot program for macOS and Windows.

Download the program from the link, open it, connect the device to the computer and click More Information. We are interested in the DesignCapacity (initial maximum capacity) and FullChargeCapacity (current maximum capacity) indicators. All you have to do is calculate the difference yourself. If it is too large, consider replacing the battery.

What to do next

75–80% of the factory capacity is not yet fatal and you can easily live with this, but if such autonomy is not suitable for your use case, you will have to replace the battery.

It is better to do this in official or trustworthy services. If you decide to replace it yourself, then do not buy suspiciously cheap batteries and keep in mind that, unlike the iPhone 4/4s, in later devices (and all iPads) the replacement procedure involves complete disassembly devices, which requires appropriate skills.

And further. Before going to a service center, try calibrating the battery. It helps many, and trying is not torture.

Have you noticed that over time your iPhone or iPad literally becomes a “slave” of the nearest outlet? This is due to wear and tear on the device's battery, which unfortunately tends to reduce its maximum capacity.

Find out using standard means system is impossible. But no one forbids you to resort to a little trick and install free utility coconutBattery. It was originally developed as a Mac battery monitoring program, but with a recent update its feature set has expanded significantly.

Now in a special section coconutBattery you can see the model of your iPhone, its production date, iOS version and the amount of internal memory used. But the most important thing is that here you can see data about the battery of the iOS device, including the deviation of the maximum charge from that declared by the manufacturer, as well as the number of charging cycles.

By the way, information about serial number device, its “age” and even your phone number are available in the “Details” tab.

Thus, by periodically checking the battery condition of your iPhone and iPad, you will be able to identify problems in a timely manner, as well as determine when the device is “time to retire” - sell or replace the battery. Download the application
