Education. Blender3D from modeling to animation. Training Main window of the program

The topic of our article today will be the Blender program, a review of which we have prepared especially for newcomers to the industry. This material will be useful to anyone who is just embarking on the path of 3D graphics and wants to learn more about the available software and its capabilities. We have already talked about such well-known applications as , and , and today we will look at a less professional, but no less popular 3D editor - Blender. So let's get started.

What is this program

Blender is a free software for creating and editing 3D graphics. Due to its cross-platform, open source, accessibility and functionality, the package has gained well-deserved fame not only among beginners, but also among advanced 3D modelers. As the program develops, it is chosen as a working tool for more and more serious projects, which is not surprising. In fact, this application is practically not inferior in terms of the number of features and functionality to more advanced 3D graphics packages. And yet everything is free.

The program will be an excellent help for getting acquainted with 3D graphics and the functioning of basic tools for creating and editing 3D objects, because Blender combines a set of options that are individually found in professional 3D editors. You can say without lying that it contains a little bit of every known program for creating . But at the same time, it is a completely independent, unique 3D graphics package, unlike any other application. Let's tell you more.

Blender is positioned as an application for creating and editing 3D graphics, rendering, animation, creating computer games and even sculpting. Quite a serious program that requires serious hardware resources, you say. But the package presents its first surprise at the stage of downloading the installation files - their weight is about 70 MB. Unthinkable for software of this level! However, the developers managed to provide the program with all the necessary functions that are fully functional and demonstrate excellent performance. An additional advantage is the stable and rapid development of the package thanks to a professional development team.

Today it is a full-fledged 3D editor, in which the user is greeted with a fully programmable interface and a unique internal file system. At first glance, the program shell may seem inconvenient and incomprehensible, but after setting up the hotkeys, working in Blender becomes simple and convenient. The application uses Python as a programming language, with which you can create your own tools, edit the interface and the very principle of operation of the program. A pleasant bonus is the availability of the package on various operating systems of both bit levels: owners of computers running Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OSX will be able to master the program.

Blender Features Review

Let's try to briefly cover all the capabilities of this unique editor, without going into details of the functioning of each tool. As with all programs, the user works in a kind of scene, or viewport. Here the 3D model is directly created and edited, as well as rotated, moved, scaled, etc. It also displays all changes associated with the animation, texturing and rendering processes. But more about everything. So what does Blender offer us?

Program functions

  • 3 Dmodeling. It is represented by almost all existing methods of creating and working with three-dimensional models. You can design objects based on primitives, polygons, NURBS curves, Bezier curves, metaspheres, Boolean operations, Subdivision Surface and basic sculpting tools. Like 3Ds Max, the program offers a large number of different modifiers to apply to the model;

  • Animation. Really well packaged. The user has tools at his disposal such as rigging (skeletal animation), inverse kinematics, mesh deformation, limiters, keyframe animation, editing vertex weights, etc. The dynamics of hard and soft bodies, as well as particle animation, are perfectly implemented;

  • Texturing and shader sets. The program allows you to apply multiple textures to one object, and is equipped with a number of texturing tools, including UV mapping and partial texture adjustment. A number of customizable shaders add flexibility when working with materials;

  • Possibility of drawing. Yes, this 3D modeling program provides the ability to create sketches with various types of brushes right in the application window. The current purpose of such a function is to help create 2D animation, for which this function is also equipped with flexible settings, in particular, working with layers;

  • Visualization. The package is equipped with several built-in visualization tools and also supports integration with various external renderers;

  • Basic video editor. A feature that even many advanced users of the program are not aware of. Blender has a built-in video editor, not as powerful as specialized software for this purpose, but quite good;

  • Game engine. An extremely interesting feature of the program is the built-in game engine for creating interactive 3D applications. And the Python API application program interface allows you to independently make any adjustments to the created game.


This concludes the basic description of the program. Of course, I would like to say a few more words about the tools for creating and animating fur/hair, about working with fabric imitation, a liquid and particle simulator, and much more. We have not touched upon many useful options and capabilities of Blender, the review of which turned out to be as concise as possible. But if you wish, you can learn all this on your own. Fortunately, there is a lot of information on studying this program on the Internet.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that, despite the open source code and full availability of the application, Blender is a fairly powerful 3D editor that is actively being developed. Of course, it can't compete with professional 3D modeling programs yet. However, even now it represents an excellent alternative to expensive applications and copes well with the tasks. Blender is an excellent option for beginners in 3D modeling, as well as for those who do not intend to turn computer graphics into a source of income and intend to create for themselves.

The archive contains simple practical work to be performed in the Blender 3D modeling environment. The material contains instruction cards and completed work. Compiled using online resources.

"PR 3 Airplane"

Practical work “Airplane”


Method of execution


Make a rectangular parallelepiped from a cube

Use the S key to change the dimensions of the cube: along the X axis – 3.0; along the Y axis -1.5; Z -0.5

Show vertices hiding behind the front ones

Click on the button Visible Selection without leaving edit mode

Select edges

Press the edge selection key and select edges one by one while holding down the key shift

Turn on the Extrude tool and pull the front part forward

Special button on the Mesh Tools panel of the button window: Extrude or using the hotkey E (English letter).

Pull out while holding down the key ctrl .

Taper the vertex into a cone

Press key S and while holding down the key ctrl , move the mouse until the size of the top part is equal to 0.1.

Create the top of the plane and the tail.

Repeat steps 5,6,7.

Create wings.

0 on NumLock

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"PR 4 Castle Tower"

Appendix 3

Extrusion (extrusion) in Blender.

Practical work “Castle Tower”


Method of execution


Launch Blender. Enable edit mode

Delete cube

Delete key

Switch to top view and Add mesh-ring

Numpad - 7

Add – Mesh - Circle

Switch to front view and start extruding

Narrow the top of the ring

Press the S key to turn on the zoom mode and hold down the key again. Move your mouse horizontally and left-click once the top size is zero (this can be seen in the lower left corner of your 3D window).

Select the vertices of the base of the cone

Select the vertices of the bottom of the cone using the vertex selection key.

Narrow the base of the cone

Start extruding (key E) and then immediately press S. Make the inside of the tower a little smaller. When your tower body is wide enough (in your opinion), left click to lock the size.

Creating a tower body

Extrude the tops down. Press the E key and, holding down the CTRL key, drag down.

Adding other elements

Switch to camera view

0 on NumLock

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"PR 5 Castle Walls"

Extrusion (extrusion) in Blender.

Practical work “Castle walls”


Method of execution


Switch to top view. Add 5-way mesh-ring. Give it the right size.

Numpad - 7

Add – Mesh – Circle

Align the tower with the wall

Exit editing mode And select tower using . "Capture" your tower and move it to one of the corners. You don’t need to place the center of the tower exactly at the corner of the pentagon, but move it slightly outward so that you can set the thickness of the walls

Add the remaining towers

Copy the tower ( Shift + D ) and move to the remaining corners.

Add volume to the walls

Select the ring and enter edit mode. Start extrusion. Resize the selected part to give the ring some width.

Give walls height

Leave edit mode and switch to front view using the key on the keypad. Your wall probably now starts somewhere in the middle of your tower, move it to floor level. Then extrude the walls upward.

Switch to camera view

0 on NumLock

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"building model"

Practical work “How to make a building model in the programBlender »

Instructions for work: when you press any key, the mouse pointer should be on the working field (on the field where the object is located).


Method of execution


Start Blender and reduce the cube.

Press the S key and move the mouse.

From this cube we will create the outlines of the building.

To begin, move this cube up the Y axis and select the 4 side faces of the cube.

To do this, press the Z key and select Edit Mode. Then select the 4 side faces of the cube and press the E key (extrusion or extrusion key) to extrude them.

Please note that when you change the direction of your contour along the Y and X axes, you will need to do a 2nd extrusion, and then select the four faces you created and only extend them downwards, as in the previous case.

Make a copy of the resulting model.

Now you need to select the entire created model and use Duplicate Object to make a copy of the model.

Select the console for further editing.

Select the second icon from the lower consoles and use it.

Rotate duplicate

Rotate the duplicate of your model by grabbing the green arc and moving the mouse.

We adjust the duplicate.

Choosing a view

Now we select Object Mode instead of Edit mode in the same console. Press the Z key.

Moving the selected model

We connect the sides of the building.

Select Edit Mode and select any of the sides (figure from point 7) and drag it out (figure from point 8). Just to do this, select this icon in this console. .In this way we connected the bottom side of the building with the top. The same principle applies to the other parties.

Consider the object.

You can use the scene overview control keys.

“1” – front view.

“2” – rotation of the view down.

“3” – right (side) view.

“4” – rotate the view to the left.

“5” – orthographic view.

“6” – rotation view to the right.

“7” – top view.

“8” – rotate view up

Note: after completing steps 1 to 11, you will only have the frame of the building without windows and doors. You can make windows and doors yourself.

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Instruction card


Launch Blender, delete the cube, set up projection windows.

X, then Enter (or Delete, then Enter); divide the working field into three windows - projections (RMB, Split Area); 1 window: View – Front (front view); 2nd window: View – Top (top view); 3 window: View – Camera (perspective).

Add an object to the scene

Spacebar; Add -Mesh -Torus

Scale an object

Key “S” - (proportional);

Key “S + Z” - (increasing the height of the ring);

Moving an object

Key “G +X” - along the X axis (length);

Key “G +Y” - along the Y axis (width);

Key “G + Z” - along the Z axis (height).

Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 – two more times

Add an object to the scene

Spacebar; Add -Mesh - UVsphere

Repeat steps 3, 4

P perform smoothing of objects

Select an object - right-click (several objects - Shift + RMB; press F 9 (smoothing panel) - Set Smoth;

Add materials

Select an object - right-click; press the F 5 key (material panel) – add new – button - col (select color).

Repeat step 8 for all objects

For independent work:

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"PR 1 Drop"

Annex 1

Objects in Blender. Practical work "Drop".

Instruction card


Method of execution


Delete, then Ok.

Add a sphere to the scene.

Switch to front view.

Zoom in on the sphere.

Point the mouse over the sphere and roll the mouse wheel.

Switch to editing mode.

Reset selection.

Select the topmost vertex of the sphere.

Right-click on the highest point of the sphere.

Enable proportional transition editing.

Press O (English letter "ou").

Move the vertex up and perhaps a little to the side, after adjusting the number of vertices to be moved.

G - enable movement mode.
Mouse wheel - adjustment of covered vertices (circle visible).

Move the bottom vertex up slightly.

Similar to paragraph 7 and paragraph 9

Switch to object mode

Give the resulting object smoothness.

"Set Smooth" button on the Editing panel.

Switch to camera view

Launch Blender and delete the cube.

Delete key

Add a cylinder to the scene.

Select: Add - Mesh - Cylinder.

Make sure you are in object mode.

Reduce the cylinder in all axes to 0.3 of its previous dimensions.

Press S, then, holding Ctrl, move the mouse until the values ​​in the lower left corner of the 3D window are equal to 0.3.

Front view.

Enlarge the cylinder along the Z axis by 7.5 times.

Press S, then Z, and, holding Ctrl, move the mouse until the value in the lower left corner of the 3D window is equal to 7.5.

Pin by left-clicking.

Rotate the cylinder 90 degrees along the Y axis.

Press R, then Y, and, holding Ctrl, move the mouse until the values ​​​​in the lower left corner of the 3D window equal 90.

Pin by left-clicking.

Duplicate the cylinder. Move the copy along the X axis so that the two cylinders touch each other

Duplicate: Shift + D.
X, then move with the mouse.

Since the H-O-H bond angle in a water molecule is 104.5 degrees, the second cylinder should be rotated
along the Y axis by 75.5 degrees (180-104.5).

Align the ends of the cylinders.

Move with the mouse using the red and blue axis arrows.

Place the 3D cursor at the point where two cylinders connect

Left click

Add a sphere (which will serve as a model for the oxygen atom

Select: Add - Mesh - UVSphere.

Duplicate the sphere twice, and transfer the duplicates to the ends of the cylinders.

Duplicate: Shift + D.
Move with the mouse.

Reduce the outer balls to a value of 0.8 from the original.

S. Move the mouse while holding Ctrl.

Combine all model elements.

Selecting a group of elements: alternately clicking the right mouse button while holding down the Shift key.

Merge: Ctrl + J.

Switch to camera view

Adjust the placement of the model on the stage

Using the Move and Rotate tools

Practical work "Snowman".

First stage. Creating the Foundation

    Open Blender.

    We clear the work area by deleting the original primitive. Click on Delete and confirm the deletion.

    A snowman can be made from a few simple parts. Let's start with its base, three spheres of different sizes. There are two ways to add a new scene object. Either on the top panel select Add - Mesh - UV Sphere, or press SHIFT + A and select the sphere there. Perform the operation three times.

    Once the three spheres are ready, you can start assembling the snowman. By right-clicking and selecting one of the spheres, use the S key to change the size of the sphere. Thus, we get three spheres of different sizes.

    We get the base of the snowman.

Second phase. Snowman decoration

1. The snowman's face consists of three carrot elements - a nose and two eyes. Making the eyes is easier than one of the foundation clumps. We add two spheres, but much smaller in size, and place them on the upper lump.

2. Make a carrot from a cone. SHIFT+A and select the cone there, but in order to make a nose out of it, you will have to turn it over. At the bottom of the screen, select the pointer that is located to the right of the arrow and on the cone itself, measurements on three axes appear, they can be changed and the cone will rotate. Having turned it ninety degrees, we install it on the snowman’s head.

    Let's move on to the hands. We make them from cylinders. Press the key combination SHIFT+A and select the cylinder there. We flip it over in the same way as a cone, but the default length of the cone is too short for our model. Therefore, select Edit Mode and right-click on the top edge, drag it up. Turning it over, place the hand on the body. We repeat the steps for the second hand.

3. A snowman needs a hat. We will make a bucket from a cylinder. Edit from the Edit Mode menu. Select the top face and reduce its size.

4. Add some color. In the right panel there is a materials menu, you can select colors and paint the snowman. The result will be a color image.

5. After rendering, our snowman does not look bright. The problem is not enough light.

In the list of objects, you need to find a light source and make four copies of it and place it above the snowman to illuminate the object from four sides.

Blender is an object-oriented program for creating 3D computer graphics. This is not only modeling, but also animation, rendering, game creation, and video processing.

This package of tools is distributed under a free license, so you have the opportunity to download Blender for free in Russian. The new version is already waiting for you in the catalog.

Blender 3D is systematically updated by a team of developers and is constantly evolving. This is what he owes his popularity to. In addition, the distribution weight is only eight megabytes!

Blender program: functions

The Blender 3D program will be interesting and useful not only for professionals, but also for beginners. What features does this editor have?

  • Cross-platform Russian version.
  • A large number of built-in primitives: Bezier curves, polygonal models, vector fonts, a fast modeling system in subdivision surface mode, NURBS surfaces, metaspheres, sculptural modeling.
  • Built-in rendering tools and integration with YafRay, LuxRender, etc.
  • Animation toolset: inverse kinematics, soft and hard body dynamics (powered by Bullet), non-linear animation, skeletal animation and mesh deformation, editing vertex weights, constraints, etc.
  • Blender 3D uses Python to create tools and prototypes, game logic, file movement, and automation.
  • Basic video combining.
  • The editor has Game Blender, which implements interactive functions (collision detection, dynamics engine, programmable logic).
  • Creation of additional real-time applications.

The interface of the 3D editor cannot be called simple. It's far from standard, so you'll have to figure out how to use it. There are special lessons that can also be downloaded via torrent or viewed online.

Hotkeys correspond to specific functions. There is an object mode (individual objects) and an editing mode (working with object data). Almost all manipulations are performed using the keyboard.

Additional features of Blender 3D

Let's list a few more important features of the program:

  • Objects and their data are separated.
  • Internal file system.
  • Various elements, objects, plugins, materials, templates, textures, sounds, images are saved into a single “.blend” file.
  • Ability to export to formats such as obj, dxf, stl, 3ds, etc.
  • Color schemes, transparent floating elements - hurry up to update the software, the latest version may surprise you with its innovations.

Download the program now for Windows 7 or other versions, as well as for Linux, OS X, Solaris and BSD. Create your own 3D models, draw, equip characters.

3D computer graphics are waiting to be introduced to you. More than 250,000 people are already using this package, support is available all over the world!

Currently, users can enjoy the abundance of software products offered. With the help of a variety of utilities, you can perform an incredible variety of useful actions. It is only important to use the opportunities provided correctly.
If there is a need to create full-fledged three-dimensional objects that can be used in many areas of life, then several current applications are designed to help in this matter. One of them is Blender.

This is a very popular 3D editor. The software product can help in creating a wide variety of three-dimensional objects. The utility also copes with work during which models of living creatures and animation elements are produced that can be used in a wide variety of complex projects.

This software is very powerful, as every user can verify while using it. However, working with the utility is not so easy. It will be difficult for the average user to figure it out without instructions or the help of a specialist.

This is all due to the fact that craftsmen who know their craft take part in the development of games or fantastic videos. These people understand perfectly well why they need an editor program. It is for this category of users that this software is presented.

Introducing 3D Reality with Blender

The free utility can be installed on absolutely any device. In the future, it will be possible to produce a variety of three-dimensional models. Every user can make an entire animated video or an interesting game with this program.

When working with software, you don’t need to miss a single detail. First you need to view the working window and evaluate the opportunities provided. This will allow you to use them correctly to achieve your goal.

First of all, users need to get acquainted with the interface of this editor. As soon as the user loads the service, a window will immediately appear on the screen asking you to select a management option. Three methods are presented. For a beginner, Blender is the best option.

In this case, the utility will function as correctly as possible. That is, hot keys and other relevant control methods will not be lost. Then you can move on to studying the interface.

The working window is divided into several areas. Each of them contains specific tools. Correct sorting helps users quickly find all the necessary elements and then use them. Since the division into areas is conditional, they can be changed in every possible way.

Moreover, each area is equipped with a separate menu. It has various tools that you can use to customize what is shown in a given window workspace. It is also easy to change existing areas among themselves, activate certain tools and perform many other manipulations.

Each area is presented in the form of a separate window. Moreover, they can be duplicated. This is a very interesting feature. Users are asked to open not one, but two monitors on the screen at the same time. To do this, click on the Shift key. Next, you should pull the indicated triangle.

In this case, you need to hold down the left mouse button. However, this principle of operation, when several windows are open at the same time, is inconvenient for most users. For this reason, it is better to close all unnecessary areas and focus on getting the work done in one.

This will allow you to concentrate as much as possible on editing using hotkeys and other elements. So you always need to prioritize. This will make it possible to carry out the work process as correctly as possible, focusing on the key details.

It is also important to pay attention to the choice of the Russian language if the user is not satisfied with the English interface. The convenience is that you do not need to additionally install a cracker. It is already included in the downloaded file with the utility. So you need to make some simple settings.

Section with user settings. Gaining Basic Skills

You definitely need to visit it. Each user simply needs to adjust the parameters so that in the end the utility is maximally tailored to the user’s needs. So let's start working from this section.

A large number of user settings are provided. However, not all of them are needed for further manipulations. For this reason, you should pay attention only to the most important ones.

First of all, you will have to open the settings window. If necessary, you can use the scaling option if users need it. You can use the mouse wheel to adjust the size of windows and other parameters.

It will be possible to make rotation around any selected objects. You can also activate a function that will allow you to go back after making a change. To do this, you must first specify a certain number of steps. This command is one of the most commonly used.

After that we move on. It is very important to define the camera - an object that will determine the point from which the created scene will be visible. Users are presented with a space in which all objects can be created. Initially, the creative work surface has an unusual appearance, filled with some objects and a grid.

The pyramid, that is, an object extremely similar to it, is a camera. So it will be possible to view the space that is the stage from any angle. Next you need to look at the navigation section. First, select an object by single-clicking on it with the mouse. You can then move it using a long press.

It will be possible to move the object. To do this, point the mouse at it and hold down the button until the new location is selected. Next, release the mouse button. It is also easy to return the element to its original place. It is enough just to undo previously performed manipulations.

The standard object that appears by default is a cube. If necessary, you can get rid of it to use another option. In addition to extraction, it is also easy to scale to bring an element closer or further away. To move around the stage as quickly as possible, you should practice a little.
You can move an object along the X, Y, Z axis. In this case, three lines will be shown from the center of the element, which are the axes. Thanks to this, it is possible to move the element as correctly as possible. In this case, smooth sliding along the axis will occur.

This utility is filled with a wide variety of tools that are very interesting to work with. Sometimes the workflow can be difficult, but a little practice will change this in a positive way.

Working with hotkeys is also expected. With their help, each user will be able to manage the presented tools much faster. It is very important to be able to use the suggested hotkeys correctly, as they are designed to make your workflow easier.

Almost all functions in this editor can be activated using hotkeys. Their number is simply enormous. For this reason, it makes no sense to describe each one. It is important to pay attention to the most popular options. It is especially important for beginners to evaluate this section.

Working moments. Modeling

Since the first acquaintance with the theoretical part was successful, then users simply need to move on to active actions. Let's start creating model No. 1. Theory will never replace practice. Therefore, it is important to always learn how to apply it correctly after acquiring knowledge.

To add an object, you will first need to get rid of the default allocated object. Some users practice on this figure for the first time during the work process, and then proceed to more complex manipulations. We delete the cube, and then move the mouse pointer directly to the center of the window.

Only after this is it possible to add a new element to the working window of the service. Next, the user will be able to call up a menu that presents a variety of different elements, from which it is possible to select the most suitable option.

Next, we bind the element to the G button. Thanks to this, it will be possible to perform movements in different directions simultaneously with moving the mouse cursor. It’s also easy to activate rotation, after which it will rotate around its axis. This is facilitated by first pressing the R button.

Next, it is very easy to stretch the size. That is, the object can be enlarged or reduced. Each option is linked directly to the mouse cursor. So when this gadget moves, changes will be made to the created object.

If the user wants to approve previously performed actions, then in this case he will need to click the left mouse button. To cancel, click on the right one. Each of the options involves moving the object exclusively along the axes.

So we indicate the movement option, and then we indicate a specific axis. But at the same time you can snap to two axes at the same time. In general, again, practical exercises will help you work as productively as possible in the program. So you need to practice a little for the result to be most effective.

Adding some elements

Users will be able to fill the project with various pictures. Insert an element into the main window that will act as a background image. It is from this object that the three-dimensional model will be created.

To add a photo, you will need to open the menu and then check the box called Background images. Then you need to click on the Add image button. Next, a submenu will appear on the device screen, in which we click on Open. After this, you will need to select a suitable image from numerous options and add it.

It is important to set the angle for viewing the object so that it is visible from all sides equally well. You can now apply an option that will allow you to adjust the transparency. To adjust this parameter, you can use a special scale.

It will also be possible to place the object according to the axes. For each individual element, the most appropriate parameters are selected so that in the end the picture looks as correct as possible.

The selected object is shown in the background in the program. A basic shape can be placed on top of it, which can be adjusted to fit the element placed on top of the background. This is a very interesting solution that allows you to ultimately achieve the desired 3D effect.

In this lesson we will look at how to use a 3D editor Blender model according to given parameters: dimensions with measurements of length, angles and area.

Of course, there are special computer-aided design systems for engineering tasks, such as Kompas-3d, AutoCAD and the like, which include not only tools for modeling parts in three-dimensional space, but also tools for documentation. In terms of engineering capabilities, naturally, Blender cannot compare with them, since it is intended for other purposes, but accurately modeling a part according to given parameters, for example, for printing on a 3D printer, will not be difficult.

Part drawing and Blender setup

Let's get started. First, we need a drawing of some part indicating its parameters, preferably in four orthogonal projections: front, side, top and isometric. Based on the presented dimensions of the part, for the convenience of modeling we will make some calculations.

Launch Blender. The first thing you need to do is change the units of measurement (read the article). To do this, you need to go to the “Scene” context in the “Preferences” header and select the units of measurement we need in the “Units” tab:

  1. "None" is Blender's native units (enabled by default);
  2. “Metric” - metric units of measurement (meters, centimeters, millimeters);
  3. "Imperial" - units of measurement in yards (1 yard = 0.9144 meters).

We select metric units of measurement, that is, activate “Metric”. And we change the “Scale” scale to 0.001, since during modeling we will set the values ​​in millimeters.

Immediately below the metric units, you can choose whether the rotation of objects will be expressed in degrees (Degrees) or in radians (Radians). We leave degrees.

Dimensions, references, coordinates

Also, when modeling accurately, you will often have to switch between snapping to the grid in the scene and points on the object. Therefore, we immediately activate snapping to the grid: at the bottom in the “3D View” header, click on the magnet icon (snapping to the grid is set by default).

We remove everything unnecessary from the scene: select all objects in the scene “A” (twice) – “X” – “Enter”. Go to top view “7” and insert a plane: “Shift+A” – “Mesh” – “Plane”. Using the “N” key, we call up the information window (on the right) of the selected object.

If you go into editing mode (“Tab”) and select any point, the coordinates of this point will be visible in the “Transform” – “Vertex” tab. Further in the text, the tab with these parameters will be called “Coordinates Menu”.

Now you need to make sure that the dimensions of the ribs, degrees of angles and surface areas are visible. To do this, in the same information window, at the bottom we find the “Mesh Display” tab and activate “Edge Info” (Edge Data) and “Fase Info” (Area Data) by checking the “Length” and “Angle” boxes " (Corner). If we now select all the points of the plane, the information we need will be displayed directly on it.

Part modeling

Before we start modeling, let's study the drawing of the part. As you can see, the part is symmetrical, that is, it is enough to model 1/4 of its part (shown in yellow), and then apply the “Mirror” modifier along two axes X and Y.

So, let's move directly to the modeling. In the top view “7”, divide the plane in Blender into four parts: “W” – “Subdivide”. Since after modeling 1/4 of the model will need to be mirrored along two axes, we leave only the points of the upper left square, and delete the rest.

Let's start building the part from its lowest part, which can be represented by six points. If we take the center of the part as the origin of coordinates, then the coordinates of these points will be as follows (X,Y in millimeters): 1=-20.0; 2=-32.0; 3=-32.8; 4=-40.8; 5=-40.10; 6=-20.10. In the figure, the points are represented in red, the length dimensions are blue, and the width dimensions are orange.

Let's divide the plane in Blender into four more parts (“W” – “Subdivide”), thus we get nine points. Delete the bottom left.

For the remaining eight points in the “Coordinate Menu” we enter the following coordinates: the first six are those given above, 7 = -20.8 and 8 = -32.10. We get the following result:

Now, according to the drawings, it is necessary to give the thickness of this part equal to 8 mm. To do this, go to the front view “1”, select all the points and extrude “E” them along the Z axis to 8mm. Or we simply indicate this value in the “Coordinates Menu”.

Next, create an arc with a radius of 8mm. To do this, select the face that starts from point 3, go to top view “7”, call up the “Special” menu with the “W” key and select “Bevel” (Create a chamfer). We extend it to the very extreme points, then use the mouse wheel to add edges (the more edges, the smoother the radius).

Let’s connect the vertices that lie on top of each other: “W” - “Remove Doubles”. Now let’s measure the resulting radius; to do this, select any point, duplicate it “Shift+D” and set it in the “Coordinate Menu” with the following values ​​X,Y,Z=-40,0,0. Now let’s change the snap from grid to points and extrude “E” from the duplicated point to the points located on the arc.

Thus, we will see the length of the radius equal to 8 mm. After this, we delete the points created for measurement. In this way, you can measure the parameters of the model during its creation.

Working with the model mesh

Now it is necessary to bring the model mesh to a more convenient form with edges located at right angles. The easiest way to do this is with the “Knife” tool, which is called up with the “K” key. We cut the model from point 2 to point 8 (to cut the plane you need to press “Enter”) and from point 4 to point 7. Then select the extra edges and remove them: “X” - “Dissolve Edges”. We do the same for the bottom surface of the model. It is also necessary to remove the side surface: “X” – “Faces”. As a result, we get this result.

Turn on snapping to grid again. Select the side right surface and extrude (“E”) it to the right (along the Y axis) by 12.5 mm, that is, add 12.5 mm to the existing thickness of 10 mm, we get 22.5 mm. We squeeze this value into the “Coordinates Menu”, or simply drive it in there.

After this, we squeeze out the upper rear surface twice: 5 and 7 mm. In this case, to the existing thickness of -20mm, you must first add 5mm (X=-20+5=-15mm), and then another 7mm (X=-15+7=-8mm). After this, removing the extra side planes, we get the following result.

Now, according to the drawings, we select the required surfaces and extrude them to a height of 35 mm, that is, we add 35 mm to the existing thickness of 15 mm. We indicate the resulting value (50mm) in the “Coordinate Menu” along the Z axis. We delete the extra planes.

The bevel is done very simply. Select the top edge and remove it using “X” – “Dissolve Edges”.

Now let's work on the central hole. We extrude part of the end surface marked in the figure to the radius of the hole (8mm), that is, the value along the X axis will be equal to 0mm.

Then, as when creating an arc earlier, select the edges and, through the “Special” menu (key “W”), create a chamfer with the “Bevel” command, and use the mouse wheel to set the number of faces. It should be recalled that the greater the number of edges, the smoother the radius will be.

After that, select all the points and remove the vertices lying on top of each other: “A” – “Remove Doubles”. We delete the end planes (“X” - “Faces”) and, preferably, adjust the model mesh as we did earlier using the “Knife” tool (K key). We get the following result.

Now, all that remains is to mirror the model along the X and Y axes, and then connect the resulting parts. To do this, exit the “Tab” editing mode and in the “Preferences” header, in the “Modifiers” context, in the “Add Modifier” tab, select the “Mirror” modifier. Where we put a check mark X and Y under the inscription “Axis” (Axes). Click the “Apply” button. The model is ready.


In conclusion, it should be noted that this method of accurately constructing a model according to given parameters is not the only one. Because sometimes, for different purposes, it is necessary to model objects with the same geometry, but a different polygonal mesh. In this case, only an example of working with the coordinates of object points is shown.

Let us remind you that in the previous lesson on Blender, we talk about (the projection window). This is useful for those who model equipment using drawings and reference images.

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