The windows 10 wifi adapter is turned off. WiFi is turned off on the laptop - we solve the problem! Complete reinstallation of the Wi-Fi adapter driver

Windows 10 is the newest system from Microsoft, which many users get using . After such an installation, various problems may occur, but most often WiFi does not work. This can happen regardless of what devices you use to access the network.

Possible reasons

Not working WiFi after installing Windows 10 can be attributed to the novelty of the operating system itself: it is still “raw” and requires a lot of improvements. This was the case with most Microsoft OS - it took up to several years to heal all the “sores” and get rid of the “glitches”. Therefore, the first advice - do not rush to install the "top ten", it is better to do it six months later, or better a year.

If the brand new desktop is already showing off on your monitor, and WiFi treacherously does not start, the reasons may be as follows:

  • There are no suitable drivers, so the hardware cannot turn on. A frequent occurrence when upgrading from Windows 7 to Even if the “seven” had a working driver, it may simply be incompatible with the new OS.
  • Incompatible antivirus and firewall blocking access to the Internet. This can also happen when upgrading to a new OS from an old one and already installed programs conflict with Windows 10, which, by the way, has very effective built-in protection tools.
  • Reset hardware settings. This also happens when upgrading from “seven” to “tens”.
  • Other incompatibilities between Windows 10 and third-party programs.

Whatever the reasons, they need to be addressed.

What to try first

Before delving into the operation of the system components, follow the simple steps that the ISP's technical support will already advise you if you decide to call them. If WiFi does not work, turn off the adapter and turn it on again after 30 seconds. If you have a router (router), restart it as well.

If the Internet does not work through the wire, simply unplug the cord for a few seconds, and then return it back. In at least 5% of cases, after these actions, the Internet starts working. Then it turns out that the problem was not in incompatibility and the like, but a simple “glitch”.

If the wireless network does not work on a laptop, check if the adapter is enabled. How it turns on and off depends on the make and model of your laptop. Some have a special switch on the side or back, on others this manipulation is performed using special keys.

It is also possible that the wireless adapter is turned on with special keys, and the driver responsible for their operation is not installed. In this case, you will first have to figure out why it is not in the system or it does not work, and then, it is possible to download the necessary driver on the Internet from another device.

Wireless Network Troubleshooting Methods

Return connection settings on reset

It is possible that WiFi does not work after resetting the network connection settings, which happened when updating the OS to the latest version. In this scenario, the computer cannot obtain an IP address to access the network. To fix the problem:

  • Click on the network connection icon on the right side of the panel and select "Network Settings".

  • In the window that opens, select the Ethernet line on the left, and then “Configure adapter settings”.

  • In the list of available networks that appears, select your non-working one and right-click on it, go to “Properties”.

  • In the "Network" tab, check the checkboxes next to these items:

Usually, the ISP distributes IP addresses automatically, that is, dynamic IPs. If you have it static, then until you register it manually, the Internet, of course, does not work. To do this, select the IP version 4 item and click the "Properties" button. Having highlighted the items “Use the following IP address” and the addresses of DNS servers, write down the necessary data.

You should keep them on a printed sheet or you can find them out by calling your ISP's technical support. If the network does not work in this case, go to Control Panel -> Troubleshooting -> Internet Connection and start the corresponding service. She will scan the network status and, perhaps, tell something.

Checking for programs blocking access to the network

The first and easiest thing to do in such a situation is to uninstall all third-party security applications and restart your computer. There is some possibility that they are blocking the free access of Windows 10 to the network. It is done through the Control Panel - Programs and Features.

In the screenshot, the arrow points to the uninstaller as an example only. If, after uninstalling all third-party security applications and rebooting, it turns out that the network is working, there is nothing more to do.

The built-in Windows Defender is enough to deal with basic malware, and the Windows 10 Firewall is highly configurable and successfully blocks network threats. If this protection seems insufficient to you, you can look for third-party antiviruses and firewalls that are officially compatible with Windows 10.

Search for incompatible software

If the network still does not work, you should take a look at the list of programs installed on your hard drive. Of course, all this is relevant only after installing the system by updating. Pay special attention to various ones that can clean temporary files, change system settings and delete registry files.

The list of them is too long to list them all, but for the sake of the purity of the experiment, it is worth removing all such programs at once. They could change the settings of Windows 10 without taking care of the performance of certain components.

Driver update

Network device drivers refusing to work after installing Windows 10 is the most common cause of failed WiFi. The only sure way to make it work is to download the latest driver that is fully compatible with the new OS. But there is no Internet, so you need another computer or at least a smartphone, as well as knowledge of the model of your motherboard or network adapter, if it is not built-in.

The driver must be downloaded manually from the official website of the hardware manufacturer. Don't use . At best, this will end up clogging your system with unnecessary programs. Important: you must update not only the WiFi driver, but also the Ethernet card.

Clean install

So that after the updates you don’t have to toil like this with a bunch of settings, it’s better, on a clean hard disk partition. Even if Wi-Fi does not work in this case, you can safely discard such options as software incompatibility or an outdated driver.

The main thing to understand is that Windows 10 still contains enough errors to give out certain “glitches”. It is even possible that your hardware is so rare that a driver for it was not written by Microsoft employees or the developers of this device.

It remains only to make sure that the WiFi adapter works at all by installing a different operating system. If, after installing clean Windows 7, it “wound up”, and after upgrading to “tens”, it does not want to work under any manipulation, it may be easier to replace the adapter itself.

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After the release of a new version of Microsoft software, the problems snowballed. And one of them is the lack of a Wi-Fi enable button or settings, which leads to the error: "We could not find wireless devices on this computer." So, the topic of the article is solving the issue with the button, with the settings and enabling the wireless network in Windows 10. If the computer does not turn on the wireless Internet (there is no button, there are no settings, etc.), the problem lies either in the adapter or in the driver WiFi.

If the problem with the driver or adapter is resolved and the Internet is stable, you can turn your laptop, desktop computer into a router. Create a hot-spot (we already wrote how to do this earlier) and distribute the Internet to peripheral devices - PCs, smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks.

Interesting advice received in the comments:

  • Open the system drive, for example, "C" and use the search to find the "wireless LAN" folder.
  • Go to: C:\eSupport\eDriver\Software\WirelessLan\Qualcomm Atheros\WirelessLan\\2886\.
  • There are two installation, Setup, files. Open both files and the problem will be solved.
We hope we have helped you.

Wireless routers make it much more convenient to use the Internet. The wires are not tangled underfoot, and the portable computer can be installed in any convenient place. However, sometimes the connection starts to falter, which causes great sadness for people who are used to spending a lot of time on the Web. Why does the Internet disappear on a laptop via WiFi? How to determine what exactly is the cause of the malfunction? Is it possible to solve the problem on my own? Let's take a closer look at what to do if WiFi is lost on a Windows 7 or 10 laptop.

How to find out if the problem is in the router

First of all, the "prime suspects" should be ruled out. Therefore, if WiFi is lost on the laptop, you need to try to connect to the wireless network using any other gadget. To do this, you can use a mobile phone, game console or tablet. If there is no wireless network signal on any device, then it is safe to say that the problem lies in the router itself.

Based on this, it is easy to conclude that in a situation where the Internet will work properly on third-party gadgets, the cause of the breakdown is related to the operation of a portable computer.

Laptop problems

If the router works well, then you should switch directly to computer equipment. On a laptop, Internet via WiFi disappears in this case for several reasons. If the laptop does not see any available connections at all, then it is recommended to check if the wireless module on the laptop is disabled. As a rule, the operation of this node is reported by the corresponding light indicator located on the laptop case. If the light is off, and WiFi is gone on the laptop, then you need to connect the module yourself.

To do this, press a certain key combination (usually Fn + F2, but it all depends on the device model), after which the required node will be forced to turn on. Also, on some modern laptops, the wireless connection button is placed on the laptop case. In this case, it must be found and clicked.

Some laptops don't have it at all. What to do in a situation where WiFi is lost on a Windows 10 laptop? In this case, you need to go to the section called "Networks and the Internet." Next, just find the wireless connection tab and see if the corresponding module is enabled.

And what about those who have lost WiFi on a Windows 7 laptop? In this case, the described method will not work. Then you can connect an external keyboard to the USB connector of the laptop, on which there is the treasured Fn key. If there is no such device at hand, then it is recommended to use a little trick. Every system has an on-screen keyboard. To activate it, just press the "Start" button and enter the appropriate query in the "Search". After that, it remains only to press the combination with the Fn button on the on-screen keyboard.

If the problem occurred after reinstalling Windows

If WiFi has disappeared on the laptop, it is worth remembering your last actions. You may have recently reinstalled the OS. In this case, sometimes all default settings are reset.

To correct the current situation, it is necessary to make hardware inclusion. It is performed using the same technology for all versions of this OS. To connect the network module, it is enough:

  • Go to "Network Control Center".
  • Select "Change Settings".
  • Find the desired wireless network name in the list that opens and right-click on it.
  • Select "Enable" from the list that appears.

If after these manipulations the situation has not changed, then, perhaps, in order to answer the question “Why does WiFi disappear on the laptop?”, You will need to check the performance of the router drivers. This is a fairly common problem that can occur at any time for no apparent reason.

Wi-Fi driver check

Regardless of the laptop brand, after the first connection of the router, the corresponding software is installed in the system. Based on this, it is easy to guess that the router should be in the list of devices in the "Device Manager". It will show up there whether or not the drivers are correct. To update them, it is enough to perform just a few simple manipulations:

  • Click on "My Computer" with the right mouse button.
  • Select "Manage" from the drop-down menu.
  • Go to "Device Manager".
  • Find the section called "Network adapters" and find the desired router.

As a rule, a warning sign is displayed next to a malfunctioning module. In this case, you need to right-click on it and update the current drivers.

Usually the system finds them automatically via the Internet. However, when WiFi is lost on a laptop, it will be somewhat difficult to do this. You need to download the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer using another device. After that, you should save the files on your computer and try to go to the "Device Manager" again. Only in this case it is advisable to choose not to automatically search for drivers, but to specify the address that will lead to the folder with the downloaded files.


This problem is extremely rare, but it should not be ruled out. Some antiviruses check the strength of the router signal encryption and come to the conclusion that it is unreliable. In this case, the antivirus may block the operation of the module for security reasons. Therefore, it is recommended to add the router to the exceptions. Or you can try disabling the antivirus for a few minutes and reconnecting to the wireless network.

signal obstruction

In the case when there is no connection to the network since moving to a new apartment, most likely something in the room is blocking the operation of wireless waves. If the router is installed in a separate room, then the walls may be too thick for signal transmission or the reinforcements may be too massive.

Everyone knows that the level of communication quality is indicated by a triangular icon, on which there are several little pictures. The more of them, the better the signal. Therefore, after moving, it is recommended to take a laptop in hand and walk around the apartment with it. If only 1-2 risks are displayed anywhere on the screen, it is better to stay away from this area. Here the signal will be simply disgusting.

In addition, other obstacles between the laptop and the router should be avoided. Therefore, it is not recommended to place the router behind a TV or microwave. However, sitting too close to the router is also undesirable. It can also negatively affect the signal level.

Other possible causes of the problem

Many laptop owners like to clean them periodically. Therefore, if the problem appeared after the next procedure, most likely, during the cleaning process, the user simply touched the wireless network module. To correct the situation, it is necessary to re-disassemble the portable device and return the displaced element to its rightful place. You should also be extra careful when cleaning your laptop.

Sometimes the computer sees the router, but cannot connect to it in any way. In this case, the problem may lie in the fact that the parameters of the OS and the router do not match. This usually happens when using modern routers capable of operating at 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. You need to go into the settings of the wireless network module and correct them.

If nothing helped

When everything has been tried, it remains to apply the simplest tool, which often helps in a wide variety of situations - restart the computer and the router itself. In this case, the router must be disconnected not only from the network cable, but also pulled out of the mains. After turning it on again, the distribution of the Internet will not start immediately, so you should wait a bit.

It is necessary to check with the Internet provider whether any repairs are being carried out in the house. It may also result in signal loss.
